How Many Carbs are in Almond Flour?

 Almond flour is a healthy alternative to traditional flour because it is lower in carbs. But how many carbs are in almond flour?

How Many Carbs are in Almond Flour?

Almond flour is a low-carb alternative to wheat flour, making it a popular choice for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. One cup of almond flour contains approximately 24 grams of carbs, of which 6 grams are fiber. This means that almond flour has a net carb count of 18 grams per cup.

It's important to note that the carb content of almond flour can vary slightly depending on the brand and the specific type of almonds used to make the flour. Some brands may have slightly more or less carbs than others. It's always a good idea to check the nutrition label to get an accurate idea of the carb content of the almond flour you are using.

The Nutritional Content of Almond Flour

In addition to being a low-carb flour alternative, almond flour is also a good source of nutrients. One cup of almond flour contains approximately:

  • 640 calories
  • 24 grams of carbs
  • 6 grams of fiber
  • 14 grams of protein
  • 56 grams of fat

Almond flour is also a good source of several important vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamin E: An antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage and supports a healthy immune system
  • Magnesium: A mineral that is important for bone health, nerve function, and muscle function
  • Copper: A mineral that is important for the formation of collagen and the absorption of iron
  • Manganese: A mineral that is important for bone health, metabolism, and the production of energy

Keep in mind that the nutritional content of almond flour can vary slightly depending on the brand and the specific type of almonds used to make the flour. It's always a good idea to check the nutrition label to get an accurate idea of the nutritional content of the almond flour you are using.

The Carbohydrate Content of Almond Flour

As I mentioned earlier, almond flour is a low-carb alternative to wheat flour, making it a popular choice for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. One cup of almond flour contains approximately 24 grams of carbs, of which 6 grams are fiber. This means that almond flour has a net carb count of 18 grams per cup.

It's important to note that the carb content of almond flour can vary slightly depending on the brand and the specific type of almonds used to make the flour. Some brands may have slightly more or fewer carbs than others. It's always a good idea to check the nutrition label to get an accurate idea of the carb content of the almond flour you are using.

When following a low-carb diet, it's important to pay attention to the total carbohydrate content of the foods you are consuming, as well as the net carb content. Net carbs are calculated by subtracting the fiber content from the total carbohydrate content. Many people following a low-carb diet aim to consume 20-50 grams of net carbs per day, depending on their individual goals and needs.

The Drawbacks of Almond Flour

While almond flour has many benefits and can be a nutritious and tasty alternative to wheat flour, it also has a few drawbacks to consider:

  1. Almond flour is more expensive than wheat flour: Almond flour tends to be more expensive than wheat flour, which can be a drawback for those on a budget.

  2. Almond flour is not suitable for those with nut allergies: If you are allergic to nuts, almond flour is not a suitable option for you.

  3. Almond flour has a distinct flavor: Almond flour has a distinct, nutty flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. This can be a drawback if you are using it in a recipe that requires a more neutral-tasting flour.

  4. Almond flour is not suitable for all types of baking: Almond flour is not as versatile as wheat flour and may not work well in all types of baking. It can be used in some recipes, such as cakes, cookies, and bread, but it may not work well in recipes that require a lot of structure, such as bread that needs to rise or a pie crust that needs to hold its shape.

  5. Almond flour is not gluten-free: While almond flour is a popular choice for those following a gluten-free diet, it is important to note that it is not actually gluten-free. Almond flour is made from almonds, which do not contain gluten, but it can be processed in a facility that also processes wheat, which can lead to cross-contamination. If you are strictly following a gluten-free diet, it is important to look for almond flour that is specifically labeled gluten-free.

How Many Carbs are in Almond Flour?

Almond flour is a low-carb alternative to wheat flour, making it a popular choice for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. One cup of almond flour contains approximately 24 grams of carbs, of which 6 grams is fiber. This means that almond flour has a net carb count of 18 grams per cup.

It's important to note that the carb content of almond flour can vary slightly depending on the brand and the specific type of almonds used to make the flour. Some brands may have slightly more or fewer carbs than others. It's always a good idea to check the nutrition label to get an accurate idea of the carb content of the almond flour you are using.

When following a low-carb diet, it's important to pay attention to the total carbohydrate content of the foods you are consuming, as well as the net carb content. Net carbs are calculated by subtracting the fiber content from the total carbohydrate content. Many people following a low-carb diet aim to consume 20-50 grams of net carbs per day, depending on their individual goals and needs.


In conclusion, almond flour is a nutritious and tasty alternative to wheat flour that is popular among those following a gluten-free or low-carb diet. It is high in protein and healthy fats, and it is a good source of several important vitamins and minerals. Almond flour has a net carb count of 18 grams per cup, making it a good option for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. However, it is more expensive than wheat flour and may not be suitable for those with nut allergies or for all types of baking. Additionally, it is important to note that almond flour is not actually gluten-free and may be processed in a facility that also processes wheat, which can lead to cross-contamination. If you are strictly following a gluten-free diet, it is important to look for almond flour that is specifically labeled gluten-free.


Here are some frequently asked questions about almond flour:

  1. Can I use almond flour as a direct substitute for wheat flour in recipes?

In some cases, almond flour can be used as a direct substitute for wheat flour in recipes. However, it is important to keep in mind that almond flour has a different texture and absorbs liquid differently than wheat flour, so you may need to adjust the amount of liquid and other ingredients in your recipe to compensate. You may also need to adjust the baking time and temperature, as almond flour tends to bake more quickly than wheat flour.

  1. Can I make my own almond flour at home?

Yes, it is possible to make your own almond flour at home. To do so, you will need a food processor or high-powered blender and raw almonds. Simply pulse the almonds in the food processor or blender until they are finely ground, being careful not to overprocess them into almond butter. You can then use the homemade almond flour in your recipes as a substitute for store-bought almond flour.

  1. Is almond flour suitable for those with nut allergies?

No, almond flour is not suitable for those with nut allergies. Almond flour is made from almonds, which are a type of nut, so it can cause an allergic reaction in those with nut allergies. If you have a nut allergy, it is important to avoid almond flour and choose a different type of flour, such as coconut flour or oat flour.

  1. Can almond flour be used in bread recipes?

Yes, almond flour can be used in some bread recipes. However, it is important to keep in mind that almond flour does not contain gluten, which is what gives bread its structure and elasticity. As a result, bread made with almond flour may be denser and have a different texture than bread made with wheat flour. You may need to adjust the recipe and use a combination of flours to get the desired texture and structure.

  1. How should I store almond flour?

Almond flour should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It can also be stored in the refrigerator or freezer to extend its shelf life. Almond flour is prone to rancidity, so it is important to store it properly to prevent it from going bad.
